New interns reaching out with Outreach

Published 10:00 pm Friday, July 18, 2014

071714-OutreachInterns web

Thermal Belt Outreach Ministry (Outreach) received a grant from the Polk County Community Foundation (PCCF) to enable the organization to hire Shelia Rodriguez and Grayson Greene as student interns for the summer.

“We’re very grateful to PCCF for providing the funding to hire interns again this year,” said Carol Newton, Outreach’s Executive Director, “It is a real win-win situation – the students gain valuable experience and have the chance to help our neighbors in need, and Outreach benefits from their hard work.”

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Outreach is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 1991.  The organization’s mission is to provide compassionate assistance to Polk County residents who are unable to provide for their basic life needs.  For more information on Outreach, visit or call 828-894-2988.

— article submitted 

by Wendy Thomas