Tryon museum and visitor’s center nears opening
Published 9:50 pm Monday, December 2, 2013
by Leah Justice
Tryon staff is working to move offices at town hall to make room for a museum and visitor’s center. Offices wee expected to be vacant by the end of November.
During the town’s November meeting, town manager Joey Davis said new council members and the mayor will be sworn into office during council’s Dec. 17 meeting, then the town will have an open house at the town offices and museum space, which has been completely relocated. Refreshments will be served.
Council members also thanked Tryon Mayor Alan Peoples for his work painting the inside of town hall for the move.
Museum committee chair and council-elect Happy McLeod said town offices were moved out of the middle of the building some time ago because of mold and mildew issues. The mold has been remediated and staff will now return to the former spaces where the town safe and payment window are located.
McLeod said the dream of a museum and visitor center began at an organizational meeting on April 9 and in January 2014 the town will see the vision become a reality.
Town council agreed in August to move town offices to put a museum and visitor’s center on the far right side of the building. McLeod told council she hopes to get grants and fundraising to pay the moving expenses. McLeod announced earlier this month that a grant has been applied for through the Polk County Community Foundation for start-up funds for the museum and visitor’s center.
Renovations to town hall to relocate the offices include replacing the carpet where the town offices will relocate because of mold issues. Town staff told council in August that the benefits of the renovations and relocation of offices other than gaining a town museum and visitor’s center in the front offices are that the front office will flow better with the relocation. Staff offices in the front caused the clerk’s office to be a pass through office.