JunkMatters to students at O.P. Earle Elementary

Published 9:11 am Monday, October 7, 2013

As part of their study of The Lorax by Dr. Seuss, third grade Excel students at O.P. Earle Elementary enjoyed a visit from Joseph McMillin and Eric Breitenstein, owners of JunkMatters,  a  zero waste recycling company in Spartanburg, S.C. Students were captivated by the owners of JunkMatters as they discussed the importance of recycling, showed the illustrated workings of the materials recovery facility and handled samples of recycled Coke bottles and composting material. (photo submitted by Dawn Mason)

As part of their study of The Lorax by Dr. Seuss, third grade Excel students at O.P. Earle Elementary enjoyed a visit from Joseph McMillin and Eric Breitenstein, owners of JunkMatters, a zero waste recycling company in Spartanburg, S.C. Students were captivated by the owners of JunkMatters as they discussed the importance of recycling, showed the illustrated workings of the materials recovery facility and handled samples of recycled Coke bottles and composting material. (photo submitted by Dawn Mason)

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