Bluegrass music at the Pea Ridge Community House
Published 9:35 am Friday, September 20, 2013
Rosey Taylor and her friends entertained the monthly gathering at the Pea Ridge Community House, Thursday night, Sept. 12.
Taylor is a relatively new resident in Pea Ridge, but moved here because she wanted to play Blue Grass music with North Carolina musicians. Taylor’s group plays for their own enjoyment and at Jams in the Carolinas.
Before the music, the gathering enjoyed a Homemade Ice Cream Social. At the informal meeting Daryl Hardin, Pea Ridge Community House President and Ann Carswell introduced 2-1-1, a new way to access information about area services. Ann pointed out that a local business, Parker-Binns Winery, was featured in the Life In Our Foothills magazine; she distributed copies of the magazine.
There will be a Cleanup Day at the Community House on October 5 at 8:30 am. Help is needed. On October 10 at 7 p.m., Randy Grobe will return to do a Pea Ridge Road Show.
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to bring one or two items to be discussed and casually valued. Refreshments will be served.
– article submitted by Donna Southworth