Bosien says work value spawned from Spartanburg Day School
Published 10:21 am Friday, December 7, 2012
For the last four years, I have been building a business called “Garden Saviour Rainbarrels” with a revolving group of young entrepreneurs. More than 36 youth have worked building this business, one of whom used his experience with us for his senior project at Polk High School. The school was delighted and so was I.
Here is what we do. We recycle barrels and rain. We are creating our own jobs. We shop locally. We cooperate with the environment and contribute to water conservation. We build community. We help people grow their own food. We even built love and philanthropy into the very heart of our endeavor, by giving barrels and plants and help to those in need. We are trying to save the Earth, right here, right now. One plant at a time, one barrel at a time, one person at a time.
Few people will ever have a chance to attend Spartanburg Day School. For those of us who did, we had a great privilege. Of course, with great privilege comes great responsibility.
My responsibility has been to take the values, the love of learning, the good sportsmanship and high intellectual standards, the attention to relationships and details that I learned at the Day School and share them everywhere, with as many as possible, as perfectly as possible.
Finis Coronat Opus — The End Crowns the Work is my steadfast rule.
– excerpts submitted by Cindy Bosien