Commission candidates respond to Bulletin questions

Published 9:53 am Friday, October 26, 2012

What is your overall vision for Polk County and please list your top three priorities and how you will accomplish these priorities? 

My vision of Polk County is one of balance; to have balance you must have small business manufacturing jobs.

Allowing the citizens to earn a living wage with benefits; they would be able to spend more time here in Polk County to do volunteer work, such as coach little league baseball, spend time with their children, or run a small family farm.

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Unfortunately many of our tradesman travel one and half hours or more to get this type of financial security of employment.

The citizens are realizing financial hardships,  and the majority of our current commissioners (Democrats) just don’t understand the importance of this manufacturing balance, and if they do understand it, then they must have a different agenda then the majority of the citizens that are just trying to make ends meet.

Top priorities are jobs, education and law enforcement/emergency services.

1. To create jobs, we must stop pushing the commercial businesses away from Polk County with the use of over burdening ordinances.

2. Supporting education is a priority of all six candidates; the school board has done a great job of stretching the dollar amongst all the budget cuts the state has imposed. When the school board asks for financial assistance from the commissioners, I will always be willing to work with them to find a solution for what is best for our kids and community.

3. Supporting law enforcement/emergency services. The sheriff’s department has been working hard to eliminate illegal drug trafficking within our county. As a result, our jail is operating at full capacity.  Patrol cars need to get back on the replacement rotation cycle.  The sheriff has requested funds to hire additional deputies.  The current majority of the commissioners (Democrats) have shown little or no support to the sheriffs situation, while the two Republican Commissioners have tried to work with the sheriff, but have been out-voted. As a commissioner I will work with the sheriff’s department to give them the tools they need to do their job.