Commission candidate bios

Published 9:43 am Friday, October 26, 2012

Russell Mierop (D)

Russell Mierop

I have been a lifelong resident of Polk County since my family moved here when I was a toddler. I have started my own farm in the Green Creek Township.

My mom, Paula, and I live in the Green Creek community and my grandma, Laura, lives in Tryon. I am a member of the Tryon Congregational Church, UCC; where I have been fortunate to go on mission trips, serving in different places around the world.

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I hold Polk County agriculture very close to my heart, brag about the Polk County FFA Chapter whenever I get a chance, and am so proud that I served as president of the chapter when I was a senior in high school.

I believe that our public school system is one of our greatest assets. After graduating from Polk County High School in 2007, I attended North Carolina State University with a full scholarship. I also received the county’s first People Helping People Scholarship from the SECU.  I graduated in four years with a degree in agronomy, the study of field crops and soil.

Upon graduation I felt the desire to come back home, to beautiful Polk County, and make a difference.

I feel that I am qualified to be a Polk County commissioner because I am committed to Polk County. I live here, work here, run a business here and want my generation and future generations to do so as well. I am ready, willing and able to be a commissioner, and do the county’s work in a respectable manner.
I ask for your vote on Nov. 6.