Champion farrier, Moon travels to teach in Columbus
Published 6:42 pm Thursday, April 26, 2012
Over the course of the next two days, the farriers rolled up their sleeves for “hands-on” labs. The heat was on as they practiced welding and forging techniques, learned about more efficient shoe fitting, the importance of hoof trimming and, on the business side, how to set their skills apart in a competitive marketplace.
“I had limited time at the clinic but found it very informative. I enjoyed the camaraderie that was in the air and found sharing a horse in the hands-on portion was a fantastic idea. It allowed different techniques and style of shoeing, to achieve a desired end result,” said Jeff Pauley.
Not only did Moon put the farriers’ craftsmanship to the test, but he also examined and commented on the condition of their tools, and offered advice on how to improve their equipment in order to work more efficiently.
“The Grant Moon clinic was even better than I had imagined. As a veterinarian, I learned much from his expertise in gait analysis, foot balance, the bioimechanics of shoeing correctly and the art and skill of building shoes. We are so fortunate to have had such a skilled and articulate farrier for our first clinic,” said Thann Boyum, DVM. “Grant Moon is one of the best farriers in the world, and probably the best at the forge. It was a pleasure and a privilege to hear him speak and to watch him work and teach. Thanks to all the farriers in our group who support our meetings, submit cases for our monthly reviews, come out every time after long days of work and participate in order to further their knowledge and improve communication among farriers, veterinarians and our clients for the good of our patients.”
– article submitted by Stephanie Fier