Foothills PAC holds candidate event

Published 5:58 pm Thursday, April 12, 2012

Michael Gage – County commissioner
Michael Gage is running for Polk County Commissioner. Gage most recently served two terms as a Columbus town councilman. He has also served as vice-chairman of the Republican party for two terms, has been a member of the crime stoppers board and is a Navy veteran and entrepreneur.
“When I make decisions I base them on facts and not opinions and I have a backbone,” Gage said. “I believe every citizen in this county needs to be represented by their county commissioners. You need somebody who can sit up there and listen to what everyone has to hear.”
Gage said he doesn’t believe there is currently enough respect among commissioners in the county for one another or citizens’ opinions.
Another issue Gage said he was particular concerned with is property rights.
Gage alluded that he was frustrated by decisions being made by “irrelevant benchmarks such as those used for the mountaintop ridgeline protection ordinance.”
Keith Holbert – County commissioner
Keith Holbert is also a Republican candidate for the Polk County Board of Commissioners.
Holbert has worked as an independent insurance agent for more than 30 years.
“For the last 12 years I’ve followed county commissioners. I’ve seen good moves; I’ve seen bad moves. I’ve seen good management and I’ve seen bad management, but for the first time this county has the chance to elect three independent business owners and I hope it will do so.”
Tom Pack – County commissioner (incumbent)
Incumbent county commission candidate Tom Pack spoke to the crowd about what he feels is going wrong with county leadership currently.
“We need to be leaders,” Pack said. “We need to show people where we stand on issues. When you come up to the commissioners’ meeting you need to feel welcome to voice your opinions.”
Pack spoke of private property rights being assaulted in relation to the Unified Development Ordinance. He said he believes it is going to kill the county in relation to property rights and job creation.
Pack said he also has issues with the amount of money being spent by the commission.
“We’re taking in $1.5 million to $2 million a year in excess revenues,” Pack said. “In the meantime you’ll see our fund balance decrease but what we need to do is reduce our taxes. Most of what they have done has been done on the backs of the taxpayers.”
Other candidates represented
Sheila Whitmire is running unopposed for register of deeds. She said she appreciated the area’s continued support.
Madeline Peter was also on hand as a representative for Patrick McHenry. She told the crowd that McHenry is a strong conservative Republican who has been in office since 2004.
“We need people who are willing to work hard,” Peter said. “We’ve got to get reinforcements in Congress and the state legislature.”

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