TLT’s latest production, ‘Knock Knock’ – The Mouse

Published 10:46 am Wednesday, April 11, 2012

They had far too much fun. Think about it. Your job is to take whatever is there and mess it up. What could be more cathartic? Thousands of hours of therapy no longer needed. From what I was told there are inside jokes among them everywhere on the set. Don’t ask. Don’t tell.
My first question was, “Where’s the mouse?”  There has been a tradition of a toy mouse appearing on almost every set done in the last few years. Sometimes it’s hidden in places the audience will never see but, most often, it’s in plain sight. It took me a long time to find it last night, but yes, he/she (I refuse to check) is there – in plain sight.
I would love to show you pictures of the set. But I won’t, I can’t, I shan’t. This set is worth the price of admission by itself. If we actors show up and actually say something, consider that a bonus.
They’ll begin rigging lights on Tuesday and by the end of the week we should be able to run the effects that are being planned. Box office opens Thursday.
Can’t wait until April 19. Beware the rubber chicken.

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