‘Creative Change’ film series to be shown in Saluda
Published 5:44 pm Monday, March 5, 2012
The community is invited to attend and discuss a showing in Saluda of a series of free films designed to inspire and encourage creativity in solving problems and creating vision. The film series and group discussion are sponsored by the newly reorganized group, “Polk Fit, Fresh and Friendly: A Coalition for Wellness Promotion” (PF3). The film series was shown in January in Tryon.
The series features four films on “Successfully Following Your Vision” for creative change. Producer Dewitt Jones guides viewers to celebrate what’s right with the world and to focus vision with creativity and passion. The four films will be followed by group discussion to brainstorm ideas and expound on creative change to improve the health and wellness of the community.
The Creative Change series will be held at 6:30 p.m. at the Saluda Senior Center, 64 Greenville St., Saluda. It begins Monday, March 12, when the film, “Celebrate What’s Right with the World,” will be presented and discussed. Future films will be shown as follows:
• Wednesday, March 21 – “Focus Your Vision” and “Everyday Creativity” and
• Monday, March 25 – “For the Love of It.”
“We are excited to host these films again to engage our community in helping shape a healthier future for Polk County,” said Anne Britton, a community volunteer serving on the PF3 board of directors. “While each film can be viewed on its own, participants will probably find the entire series more meaningful in helping us shape a vision for a flourishing and healthy community.”
“Polk Fit, Fresh and Friendly: A Coalition For Wellness Promotion” is the new message for the former Polk County Wellness Coalition, a consortium of volunteers dedicated to making a difference in the health and wellness of Polk County. The new name reflects the mission of a broad-based group of community leaders, health professionals and concerned community members working together to plan and implement effective strategies to promote wellness in our community.
PF3 officials said the organization recognizes that wellness is more than absence of disease and requires more than access to medical care. Wellness involves thriving and emphasizes such factors as physical activity, healthy eating, spiritual comfort and positive, supportive relationships.
For more information about PF3 or the “Creative Change” film series, contact Tammy Greenwell at greenwelltam@yahoo.com or 828-233-2288.
– article submitted by Kathy Woodham