Tips for planting local lawns

Published 8:58 am Monday, September 12, 2011

The Labor Day holiday normally signals it is time to plant cool season grasses like tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass. Tall fescue is the predominant grass in both lawns and pastures in Polk County.
Typically, turfgrasses need a minimum of five hours of full sun each day. All grasses except centipede prefer to grow in a soil that has a pH of 6.5. In order to obtain that pH, homeowners need to add lime. In addition, sowing grass seed or “overseeding” on top of our tight, heavy clay soils is not very successful. Some light tilling or at a minimum, aeration of the soil is suggested to improve the chances of your grass seedlings becoming established.  Overseeding an existing lawn takes around three pounds of seed per every 1,000 square feet.
When seeding bare soil use six pounds of tall fescue seed for every 1,000 square feet. If you are planning to use one of the new turf type seeding blends (5 pounds tall fescue, 1 pound bluegrass, 1 pound fine fescue) you need a total of 7 pounds for every 1,000 square feet. It is always helpful to have a soil test completed to help determine what lime and fertilizer is needed. Soil boxes and forms are available at the Polk County Extension Center in Columbus.
If you plant seed grass remember to mulch the new lawn and bare areas with wheat straw. The straw needed is approximately one square bale of weed-free wheat straw for every 1,000 square feet. After applying the straw, a homeowner should have 50 percent of the bare ground visible. This straw helps keep the soil surface from drying out too quickly.
Keep in mind that watering is critical the first 10 to 14 days unless it rains. The latest research also indicates that fertilizing three weeks after seed germination is more beneficial. Use a rate of fertilizer recommended, 10 pounds of 10-10-10 per every 1,000 square feet, or use the special slow-release turf fertilizers at the rate shown on the bag.
Contact the Polk County Master Gardeners at the Extension Center in Columbus if you need additional information on establishing a lawn. They can be reached at 894-8218 mornings Monday through Friday.
– article submitted
by John Vining

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