Henry von der Lieth

Published 10:03 am Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Henry von der Lieth was born on George Washington’s birthday in 1931 to Heinrich and Marie (Schlichtmann) von der Lieth in Wilmington, New Hanover County, N.C.

He was baptized into the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit as an infant at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Wilmington, where he was confirmed in the Evangelical Lutheran faith in 1945.

His father owned a store in Wilmington called Henry’s Central News, where young Henry and sister, Catherine, worked in the family business. After graduating from New Hanover High School in 1949, Henry worked in a grocery store, stocking shelves and delivering groceries. When Henry enlisted in the United States Navy in 1952, it is not surprising that he would follow his father’s footsteps as he reached the rank of Master Chief Petty Officer “Store Keeper.” After five years of active duty, Henry continued to serve his country in the reserves.

From 1957 to 1990, Henry worked for the Atlantic Coastline Railroad in the payroll department, living in Jacksonville, Fla., most of those years. Never married, he cared for his mother until her passing in 1985 and did much to care for the Lord’s little flock at Trinity until his passing.

He is survived by his sister, Catherine (Donald – deceased) Dawson of Green Creek; his nephew, Donald Dawson and wife, Lynn, with Philip, Cory and Lori (husband, Joel) of Wilmington; his two nieces, Debra with son, Neil Crawford, and Donna Hall with husband, Kenny, and daughters, Kendall and Kristen, all of Green Creek.

Henry was active in the Lutheran Church his entire life, but never more so than in the years at Trinity Lutheran Church, Tryon, where he was a charter member of the Missouri Synod Lutheran congregation since its founding in 1989 to the present. There he served as chairman, elder, sacristan, doorman, acolyte and sound man, among other things (simultaneously). He also was the congregational delegate to district conventions. Henry was a dedicated student of the Holy Scriptures and an ardent defender of the Christian faith, committed to passing on to future generations the faith received from the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ being the cornerstone. His delight was to hear the word and to receive the blessed sacrament of Christ’s true body and blood.

Henry confessed faith alone in Jesus Christ, God’s son, for the forgiveness of sins. He awaited confidently Christ’s coming, for he knew whom he had believed. He fell asleep in Jesus just after midnight on Pentecost Sunday, June 12, 2011 at the age of 80 years, three months and 21 days.

The funeral service for Henry von der Lieth will be held at Trinity Lutheran Church, Tryon, at 11 a.m. Thursday, June 16, with visitation from 10-11 a.m. A meal will be served following the service.

Henry’s remains will be laid to rest Friday afternoon at 2 p.m. in Greenlawn Cemetery, Wilmington, next to those of his parents, until the day of the resurrection of all flesh.

An online guest register is available at www.mcfarlandfuneralchapel.com.
McFarland Funeral Chapel, Tryon.