Eminent domain not considered for railroad project
Published 6:02 pm Thursday, March 24, 2011
To the Editor:
In his recent letter to the editor, Keith Holbert suggested that County Commissioners might use “imminent domain” to take property along the railroad tracks in Polk County.
Nothing could be further from the truth, and Mr. Holbert well knows it.
Only Mr. Holbert brought up that possibility at a recent Commissioners meeting, wanting to frighten people when there is no basis to do so.
I personally stated at that meeting, quite clearly, that I would never vote to use eminent domain to take property along the railroad for a rails/trails project. Mr. Holbert heard me say that. I was looking straight at him when I said it. I know that Commissioners Walker and Gasperson fully agree with me.
At the same meeting, it was also clearly explained that the County would be taking no role in a rails/trails project; it is solely a private effort by private citizens unrelated to the County. No tax money will be contributed by the County.
And, at the very same meeting the County Manager reported that the Norfolk & Southern Railroad had unequivocally stated that it would not allow its right-of-way to be used for a rails/trails project. The whole issue is moot.
So why is Mr. Holbert still working so hard to stir this up?
––Renee McDermott
County Commissioner