Tryon to use goats for kudzu eradication
Published 1:17 pm Friday, April 18, 2008
Out with the herbicides, in with the goats.
Tryon Town Council approved Tuesday an amendment to its animal control ordinance to allow goats to eradicate kudzu on town property.
Tryon Town Attorney Bailey Nager said the idea to eradicate kudzu in this manner came from the Tryon Parks Committee.
&dquo;The Town Parks Committee felt it would be more environmentally friendly to use goats for kudzu control instead of herbicides,&dquo; said Tryon Parks Committee member John Vining. &dquo;We hope it will serve as a demonstration plot for an alternative method of kudzu control.&dquo;
The town&squo;s ordinance previously forbid the keeping of cows, goats, mules, horses or donkeys within 200 feet of a residence, church, well, store or other place of business.
Tryon Town Council approved an amendment&bsp; concerning livestock so the 200-foot restriction will no longer apply to&bsp; goats that will be temporarily located on a lot for the purpose of eradicating kudzu.
A farmer will install an electrical fence and keep the goats in a confined area for four to six weeks, according to Vining.
Vining says the town plans to begin the goat kudzu eradication program with the corner lot next to the IGA Supermarket. The town owns that lot, which has two streams and kudzu and other weeds. The goats are expected to be put in place in the lot in June.