‘Uncovering America by horseback’
Published 3:05 pm Thursday, April 17, 2008
The former rancher and his &dquo;Uncovering America by horseback&dquo; crew recently completed a trip from Lebanon, Ore., to Hendersonville, N.C. The journey to &dquo;uncover America&dquo; and document the adventure began on June 2 last year.
While traveling across America on horseback, Inman says he has been slowing down the pace to find interesting places, individuals, groups and history that inspire pride or lift the spirit. He and his crew say the adventure will show the American public that &dquo;we do have something to be proud of, and nothing is impossible as long as you try.&dquo;
The trip through Polk County was the first day of Inman&squo;s new journey to Washington, D.C. His new mission is to &dquo;carry the word of the American people to our representatives in Washington, D.C.&dquo;
Inman and Blackie are teaming up again to carry letters in a bag, which contain&bsp; messages from people they&squo;ve met along their journey and people who have sent him letters.
&dquo;My goal is to uplift the American spirit, raise hope, encourage pride, a sense of adventure and resurrect our sense of unity,&dquo; says Inman. &dquo;Don&squo;t be afraid to look for opportunity in your community and in other places throughout our great nation! With determination and courage we can overcome adversity.&dquo;
Inman&squo;s wife Brenda has been part of his crew and she scouts the route ahead in a trailer. His adopted son Jonathan Campos has also been on the crew and served as web designer.&bsp; His step-nephew and videographer is Dallas Pesola.
For more information about Inman&squo;s journey and his mission, visit www.uncoveringamerica.com.