New documentary on Leopold showing at Walnut Creek Preserve
Published 3:47 pm Friday, July 12, 2013
The Pacolet Area Conservancy (PAC), in partnership with Walnut Creek Preserve, will host a free screening of Green Fire, the first full-length, high definition documentary film ever made about legendary conservationist Aldo Leopold.
The film will be shown at the Anne Elizabeth Suratt Nature Center at Walnut Creek Preserve on July 19 at 7 p.m. The event is open to all ages and is free of charge. Light refreshments will be served.
The Green Fire film explores Aldo Leopold’s life in the early part of the 20th century and the many ways his land ethic idea continues to be applied all over the world today.
The film portrays how Leopold’s vision of a community that cares about both people and land — his call for a land ethic — ties modern conservation stories together and offers inspiration and insight for the future.
“Aldo Leopold’s legacy lives on today in the work of people and organizations across the nation and around the world,” said Pam Torlina, PACland protection specialist.
“What is exciting about Green Fire is that it is more than just a documentary about Aldo Leopold; it also explores the influence his ideas have had in shaping the conservation movement as we know it today, by highlighting some really inspiring people and organizations doing great work to connect people and the natural world in ways that even Leopold might not have imagined. We are certain it will spur residents of Polk County to continue existing land ethic programs and to find new ways we can be stewards of our precious environment.”
Green Fire illustrates Leopold’s continuing influence by exploring current projects that connect people and land at the local level.