BBBS adventure on the Green River

Published 1:32 pm Friday, August 12, 2011

BBBS along with littles and guides,Koga and Thomson. (photo submitted by Karen Dacey)

On a recent Saturday afternoon, seventeen Big Brothers and Sisters (BBBS) escaped the heat with their littles to kayak the lower Green River in inflatable orange, one and two-man kayaks. This trip was made possible by Tim and Sara Bell, owners of Green River Adventures. A BBBS enrichment fund, provided by the Polk County Community Foundation, assisted with the cost for the adults.
After registration and a short orientation, everyone was fitted with life jackets and helmets and boarded a van for the short ride down to the launch site. Tony Koga and Isaac Thomson, guides, demonstrated basic paddling and what to do in the event that someone fell out of a kayak, which happened a few times with even novice group members.
The BBBS group encountered tubers, stretches of faster water with riffles and submerged rocks.
The kayaking adventure lasted around two hours. Attendees felt the excitement of the day and wanted to follow it up with a nap. Return visits to Green River Adventures by some of the BBBS members is expected.
Green River Adventures is located on Main Street in Saluda. Visit for more information.
– article submitted by Big Brother Denny Hill

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